Be authentic Chanel bags retail opportunities are rare. Even more unusual is the 70% of the retail price markdowns. It sounds like the truth? In this case, it is not. Tomorrow, Thursday, July 22, RUE Lala U.S. Eastern Time at 11 am Madison Avenue fashion Chanel event will go live. During this period, you will have the opportunity to score up to 70% of the retail price discount Chanel items.
Most people who follow fashion know very well the signature Chanel: black, ivory, bouclé, suits, camellias, black, ivory. Rinse, repeat. Karl Lagerfeld's spring 2010 haute couture collection of white and silver graphics is a significant departure from the Chanel aesthetic, we are looking forward to his Chanel 2010 Fall / Winter Haute Couture collection to the new territory of another large step.
I must say that I absolutely worship the Chanel classic flap semi-matte crocodile skin bags from Paris to Shanghai to collect everything.
Most of us know, we buy almost all the factories do not care about his work by a talented craftsman, but a bit less interesting luxury. And wine, at least we can pretend it is a shop in the picturesque Francois, to sewing bag, and wearing a beret, smoking a hand-rolled cigarettes guy. Or at least it is in my head. Perhaps Francois cute retro Chanel Speedy bag in hand? I bet no one can prove me that he did not - it's retro, after all.
I must say that I absolutely worship the Chanel classic flap semi-matte crocodile skin bags from Paris to Shanghai to collect everything.
Most of us know, we buy almost all the factories do not care about his work by a talented craftsman, but a bit less interesting luxury. And wine, at least we can pretend it is a shop in the picturesque Francois, to sewing bag, and wearing a beret, smoking a hand-rolled cigarettes guy. Or at least it is in my head. Perhaps Francois cute retro Chanel Speedy bag in hand? I bet no one can prove me that he did not - it's retro, after all.